King of GGPO This Friday

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Friday Night, three of the best fighters of this season will duel in a three-way battle to become the King of GGPO 2012's King of Winter. From Round 1, AfroLegends who sports Boxer as his main as well as a very solid Dee Jay. From Round 2,'s Marsgattai one of the best Guile players in the United States that even have some of Japan's Ryu players tripping on themselves. Finally from Round 3, RoyBisel an old school no holds bar Old Sagat, Boxer or whatever character works for the match.

These three contestants will be squaring off in a King of the Machine style first to ten games match to be crowned King of GGPO 2012's King of Winter. The winner of Friday night's match will also face the other Kings of GGPO seasonal winners to be crowned The King of GGPO 2012.

The event will be streamed live Friday night 10PM PST (1AM EST) on NYCFurby's channel. Further details and the tournament brought to you by